Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall 2012 WESU program is in full effect!

We are now 2 weeks into the new Fall program season at WESU! While many of our mainstay programs remain where they have been in our schedule, we have added a whole bunch of new music and public affairs shows. Check out the program link on the left to see for yourself.

 Print program guides will be hitting the streets very soon and our donors can expect to receive one in the mail in the coming weeks.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Anthony Fantano live WebCast!

Click Anthony Fantano's head to view a live webcast of his lecture presented by WESU
at Wesleyan's CFA Hall at 7:30pm tonight (9/13/12).

If the above link doesn't work, try copying and pasting this address into your web browser

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Anthony Fantano's Coming Thurday!

The Needle Drop is a groundbreaking radio show, podcast, music review YouTube channel and all-around formidable Internet presence in the world of independent music. With more than 80,000 subscribers and over 20 million hits on his videos, Anthony Fantano has developed a devoted following and a reputation as an even-handed, knowledgable and affable reviewer. 

Like independent music? Like WESU? Like new media? 
Join us at Wesleyan University's CFA Hall for the inaugural talk in the WESU Lecture Series, featuring the internet's busiest music nerd, Anthony Fantano, of The Needle Drop. Anthony will discuss The Needle Drop, what he does and how it works. He'll be answering plenty of questions afterwards, as well. 

Listen to The Needle Drop every Wednesday from 5:05 to 6:00 p.m. on 88.1 WESU FM or stream it live at